PFC Merrill G. Burrows, H/2/8
"PFC Burrows was killed Nov 20, l943 at Tarawa. In his obituary it stated that he was the "the first war fatality of Garfield County". He was in the 2nd Bn, 8th Marines that landed on Red Beach 3. He was the tripod man in John Mohrlang's MG team. He was on liberty in Wellington, New Zealand and there is a great photo of him and Vic Silver together walking."
Bill Stay and Evon Seely
Liberty in Wellington, New Zealand.
(L) Pvt. (later PFC) Vic Silver - MIA, Tarawa and (R) Pvt. (later PFC) Merrill Burrows - KIA,Tarawa.
copyright 2012 T.O.T.W.
Created 27 December 2012