1st Lt. Hugh Dorian Fricks, D/1/6
Serial # 011196
Entered Service from Seattle, Washington
Killed In Action 22 Novmeber 43
Awarded the Navy Cross
Awarded the Navy Cross for action on Tarawa:
Authority: Board of Awards: Serial 917 (March 24, 1944)
"The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Second Lieutenant Hugh Dorian Fricks, United States Marine Corps Reserve, for extraordinary heroism and distinguished service while serving as Machine Gun Reconnaissance Officer, First Battalion, Sixth Marines, SECOND Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces at Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll, Gilbert Islands, on 22 November 1943. Defying constant danger from enemy machine-gun and mortar fire while advancing with his battalion, First Lieutenant Fricks conducted various reconnaissances, maintained contact between forward rifle elements and went from foxhole to foxhole pointing out targets and directing machine-gun fire. Tirelessly continuing his perilous task until mortally wounded by an enemy grenade later in the action, he served as an inspiring example to his battalion in delivering a devastating blow to Japanese forces in that sector. His great personal valor, heroic self-sacrifice and brilliant leadership in the face of almost certain death reflect great credit upon the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country."
If any more information is known about Lt. Fricks please send an email to TOTW.Information curtesy of Todd Crooks of the Seattle Veterans Museum.
copyright 2004 T.O.T.W.
Created 22 April 2004 - Updated 24 January 2020