P.F.C. Merton Raymond Riser, K/3/8
Serial Number: 510776
PFC Riser WAS listed as MIA. As of 20 June 2018 his remains have been identified according to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. Riser was killed 20 November 1943 and was classified as MIA. He was born 1 September 1924, Moville, Iowa and enlisted 14 December 1942 in DesMoines, Iowa and was USMC Reserve. A memorial marker was placed on Tarawa Cemetery 33, Plot 10, Row 1, Grave 5. Riser's remains were placed as an Unknown in the National Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific in Hawaii, disinterred, and identified by the DPAA.1. Note there does exist a letter describing the situation of how Riser was killed. In an email from dated 2003 from Todd Pry he states, "...I have become interested in WWII ever since knowing that my great uncle died on the shores of Tarawa.... His Higgins boat took a direct hit and literally vaporized, as I heard from a relative who had read a letter my grandmother received from one of his buddies. If anyone served with or knew of PFC Merton Riser of Sanborn, Iowa, I would love to hear from you."
1. See http://www.dpaa.mil/News-Stories/Recent-News-Stories/Article/1586864/marine-/ and https://dpaa.secure.force.com/dpaaProfile?id=a0Jt0000000LlnTEAS
copyright 2001 T.O.T.W.
Created 18 January 2001 - Updated 29 July 2018