2nd Lt. Norman E. Ward, 2nd Amphibian Tractor Battalion
Serial #: 019977
Awarded the Silver Star 20 November 1943:
"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity whi1e attached to the Secoud Amphibian Tractor Battalion, Second Marine Division, during action against enemy Japanese forces at Tarawa Gilbert Islands, on 20 November 1943. After debarking assault troops on the heavily fortified beachead on D-Day, Second Lieutenant Ward boldly returned to the edge of a treacharous coral reef to assist other units halted in the water by the enemy's concentrated shellfire. Using his tractor as a shield by driving between the gunfire and the troops, at the same time, skillfully manned his vehicle's mounted machine gun to deliver destructive return fire against the fanatic Japanese. Upon reaching the beach, he dauntlessly continued in the fight, provinding overhead fire for oncoming troops until his tractor was completely demolished by a bursting Japanese shell. By his prompt and daring action, his great personal valor and zealous devotion to duty in the face of tremendous odds, Second Lieutenant Ward contributed materially to the success of our forces in capturing this vital hostile stronghold and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."
Lt. Ward awarded the Silver Star most likely at Camp Tarawa
copyright 2010 T.O.T.W.
Created 5 January 2020