P.F.C. Edgar L. Best, M/3/2
Wayne Marine Wins Honors For Bravery at Tarawa
by Technical Sergeant Gene Ward, a Marine Corps Correspondent.
Somewhere in the Pacific-Delayed. Marine Private First Class Edgar L. Best of Goldsboro, NC has been commended by his commanding officer for bravery and devotion to duty in the battle for Tarawa.
Best, son of Sam Best of Route 1, Goldsboro, was attached to an initial assault unit of Marines for the landing on Betio Island, in the Gilbert ISlands.
Best was in the thick of the bitter fighting. Wounded painfully by a machine gun slug while in waist deep water wading towards the beach, he continued his struggle, although ordered to turn back.
His commanding officer called it bravery and devotion to duty in the face of the enemy and enhancing the highest traditions of the Untied States Naval Reserve.
A second article adds:
"Edgar Best, 21 year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Best of route one Goldsboro, is overseas with the US Marines. He was on Guadalcanal and while there won one of those medals he is wearing for being an expert shaprshooter. He is a Grantham High School graduate and on September 9 has been in the Marines for three years."
"My dad was a platoon sergeant when he got out of the service. He was in the 2nd mortar squad 81mm mortars."
Bill Best
If anyone has further information about P.F.C. Best please send an email.
See also P.F.C. Arthur B. Waldenville, M/3/2.
copyright 2003 T.O.T.W.
Created 19 August 2003 - Updated 24 February 2005