Dexter Greer - 11/10/00 22:43:35
as the kids say today
" been there done that"
Clancy Moore PhD - 09/13/00 00:37:36
My Email:Corona
I was a Navy Corpsman in 46 at USNH Corona. Lt. Joe Dulsich was one of my patients. Paraplegic, and no buttocks, a sad case but what a great guy. He was a fisherman and hunter from New Orleans, and with my help we had a memorable fish fry on SOQ 3N. Of
course the smell lingered for a while, and the nurses sacked me for bringing all those fish from our lake up there on our nice hotel ward. Joe was a good man, though I expect a very tough officer. At any rate he helped a 17 year old kid grow up, and I w
uld do everything I did then, the same way, and the nurses can still go to hell. If you knew him (he is now deceased) and want to know more about the man, I would be delighted to correspond.
F.D. (Gravy) Gravois Jr.; LtCol, USArmy(Ret'd) - 08/11/00 15:39:34
I enjoy your wonderful web page. Wish I could get to check the Order of Battle pages, though.
On D-Day I was in the last amtrack on the right flank of the first wave on Red Beach 1 with M Co., 3rd Bn. 2nd Mar Regt (Mike Ryan's Bn.). Landed a few minutes before H-hour and lasted the entire battle. I'm one of the very few who made the landing and
eft the island unscratched (physically) and without ever getting his feet wet. Let me know how best to do it and I'll be happy to share some of my memories and experiences with you before its too late. Keep up the good work.
John Gross - 08/03/00 04:48:07
Jap zeroes shot out of the skies, sitting ducks. Kill ratios of 6:1 and 7:1 in ground action.
Unbroken string of battles won.
The Nippon were lost.
Their only hope to carry the war to the US.
Biological weapons needed to be stored at submarine accesssible atolls within striking distance of the mainland USA.
Tarawa was the island.
Bonnyman's bunker held the germ warfare stockpile.
The subs docked at the pier.
Mission of the 2nd division:
incinerate bonnyman's bunker
take no prisoners
The defending Japs had no means of deploying their defences, these biologicals were to be sublaunched. But by the next summer, germ warfare stockpiled on Tinian were designed for self defense, and Marine sickness escalated.
Jean Paul Meynart - 07/31/00 08:08:12
Study/simulation of the Tarawa imbroglio can be therapeutic. Whenever things get rough, I crouch behind the seawall waiting for the right time to move forward.
BOTTERO - 07/12/00 06:53:09
Hi my friends, I'm a frenchie and very fond of USMC operations during WWII.
Tarawa has always been in my mind since i knew this part of History. God bless
the young men fallen on this tiny island of betio. This web site is reaaly great.
Don't forget this epic battle for both sides. Laurent.
guthrie, donald s. - 07/09/00 04:20:18
My Email:dukdaddles@aol.comneed
info on 2nd
need info 2nd div 18th marines
Scott Dilcher - 07/07/00 21:19:01
Sgt. USMC 1988-1994, performed with the III MEF Band Okinawa at the 50th Anniversary
of the Invasion of Tarawa. Was extremely fortunate and honored to meet the men
of the Battle of Tarawa, and step on their hallowed ground. My future web site
will have section on Tarawa, some photos I took of Red Beach 2 and the Japanese
Naval gun emplacements at tip of Red 1 and Green Beaches. Your legacy lives
on in the hearts of young Marines, and you will not be forgotten. I promise.
George Proulx - 07/03/00 05:25:48
I have studied the Tarawa battle for years. It needs to be made a movie the
likes of Saving Private Ryan.
Jeffrey Tennen - 05/20/00 04:27:50
I am currently a 1stLt 0302 Infantry Officer with 3d Light Armored Reconaissance
Battalion. Tarawa has captured my imagination and I have read many books on
this landmark battle. This website is quite simply amazing!! I am due to give
a PME on this bat le to my Battalion and this has been a great help. Is there
anyway I kind find out if there are any Tarawa veterans in the So Cal area?
Thank You Lt Tennen
Vern Synder A/1/2 353947 - 05/12/00 13:41:46
Looking for erickson (AKA "Tugboat") from the northwest and carnahan from corpis
cristrie tx. anyone remember the watering hole at the hilo hotel? logging in
for Vern anymail will be forwarded. He is still working a the post office in
Tampa. Semper Fi. Dick Lavello
Nancy Waldenville Brewer - 05/08/00
I am looking for information concerning my uncle. He was killed (MIA)on Novemeber
20, 1943. He made it ashore Red 2 and then returned to the reef to help his
buddy. His body was never recovered. He was awarded the Silver Star. His name
was Pfc. Arthu B. Waldenville. I have a picture of him and two of his buddies.
They are Pvt. H.L. Sager, Canan City, CO; and Pfc. Thomas J. Smith, Pittsburgh,
PA. If anyone has any information on these men please e-mail me. Jonathan, This
site has been instrumental in aiding me in my research and I thank you and especially
Pam - 05/02/00 05:54:48
Very interesting site, well done, good luck in the voting.
Kevin Ward - 04/25/00 21:17:00
I just want to thank you greatly, Your website was a great informational help
to my report on Tarawa for school. Dont worry, information from your cite is
listed using parathentical citations and a worked cited page. Thanks again!!
Theodore B. Jouget - 04/23/00 21:45:26
ColonelEd.Bale - 04/21/00 22:48:32
Very Pleased with your web site. Aa a veteran of the Tarawa operation I do not
want to see the sacrifices fade into history and be forgotten by the American
people Wife and I Visited there for the 50th anniversary.
Mark De Vries - 04/18/00 03:27:03
Avid ASL player (advanced Squad Leader) Site was on the ASL Mailing list and
surfed over to it out of interest. It's a bittersweet thing to read of our Marines
sacrificing themselves. Bitter for it meant death to someones someone Sweet
in that it showed that some men in a time now getting to be long ago were able
to sacrifice themselves for a cause bigger than themselves. Mark De Vries
ron - 04/18/00 01:07:26
thought i'd mention a Tarawa game with excellent maps, designed by a fellow
Marine: Blood Reef: Tarawa includes: two 4-color 22"x31" map sheets depicting
almost the entire island of Betio; Chapter T of the ASL rule book which details
the terrain on Tarawa, various of the special circumstances surrounding the
landing (such as direct nava fire, counter battery fire, and Korean laborers),
and the rules for Blood Reef: Tarawa Campaign Games; over 3 full counter sheets,
including new counters for field-modified LVTs, 8-inch Naval Guns, and Japanese
Bombproofs, as well as the additional U.S.M C. and Japanese squads, support
weapons, guns, and vehicles needed to play the campaign games; and seven new
scenarios which highlight the key moments of the battle. Central to Blood Reef:
Tarawa are the three campaign games. The shortest starts with the Marines having
already established a toe-hold on the shore, while the largest covers all three
days and all six of the Marine Battalion Landing Teams. You might want to link
with the makers of the game: MMP (Multi-man Productions) ron
Jane Restue - 03/29/00 19:48:53
Great Web site Jonathan. As I am from Kiribati and grew up on Tarawa, I would
like to congratulate you on this definitive site. You have done such a marvellous
job and I recommend your site as a must-see for the many people and friends
who are interested n the Battle of Tarawa and WW2 in the Pacific. I am so impressed.
BTW, I have established links to this site from my Kiribati 2000 and Battle
of Tarawa sites. Best wishes .. Jane R.
Curtis Shepard - 03/29/00 01:27:48
Nice site Jonathan, I was refered here by Jane Resture. Thanks again. Curt
Mark - 03/27/00 17:19:24
My Email:eaglemark
Great site! Kill those Japs! Got to go.
matthew mahony - 03/23/00 21:36:43
thank god for this site without it i would have failed my military history exam
i was just a little disappionted about the oder of battles part thanks.
Dean Williams - 03/20/00 15:45:08
Phil Anderson - 03/12/00 01:55:33
Our father, Phil Anderson, was at Pearl, Tarawa and Tinian. He lived life as
an American Patriot, Pioneer and Marine. At 03:30 12 March 2000; he reported
back. Our family of Salutes him, the 2nd Marines, and as sons who served in
VietNam, the Gulf War a d a Grandson in the reserves, we say God Bless all our
American GI's who gave peace a chance through war
Hans Wijers - 02/22/00 20:45:00
A very good ! and impressive site about this battle! I hope to fin a change
to write with vet's who saw action at these Islands. I'm a Dutchman and family
of my was fighting at the Coral See, and I'm glad that people are keeping this
all for to remember i . I myself have a homepage dedicated for the GI who fought
in the Battle of the Bulge 1944-45, because it is so near, but since I was 11
years I dream of it to get in contact with vet;s who saw action at Tarawa
J.B. Martin, Jr - 02/20/00 22:40:08
I landed on Betio 20 Nov 43 with HQ 2nd BN 8th Marines. I was with a team of
four Marine communications personnel (2 radio 2 wire) assigned to US Naval Gunfire
officers (2 Lt) to control close in support naval gunfire on the Japanese positions.
There were several ships assigned to the team and I am sure that we fired Destroyers
DD Ringgold and DD Dashiell. A crusier and a BB was assigned but I don't think
it was practical to fire this bigger armanent.
Wayne Bentel - 02/06/00 20:22:46
Fantastic Site.
Les Groshong - 02/05/00 23:00:44
Looking forward to spending some time in this site. I was in 3-HQ-8, and on
the end of the pier at about 11:30 am. Does anyone remember the chicken that
was scratching for food at that site at that tim
B. Varboncoeur - 02/04/00 02:33:34
Hello.... I really enjoyed this and learned alot form it. My uncle severed in
the 2nd during WW2 and took part in the invasion. Robert (Bob)Grinstead
John Olsen - 01/21/00 06:44:25
Cool discussion group Mr Tarawa...
Signed: The Mad Hacker...

ronald thompson - 11/17/99 20:08:17
served 62/66 interesred in talking with old buddies from 1st batt. fmf camp
pendelton, ca can contact
Bill Willard - 09/24/99 20:09:21
The Japanese had not signed the poison gas ban at the end of WW I, so the masks
make sense. Didn't the Marines carry them? The same argument can be made for
the use of gas during WW II as can be made for dropping the Bombs that ended
it, and for the same reasons. It would have saved lives on both sides...on Tarawa
(maybe; would have depended on the wind conditions), but certa nly on Iwo, where
strong points joined by interconnecting passageways could have carried pumped-in
gas to where it would have done the most good. The story of Bonnyman's involvement
certainly seems plausible.
John Gross - 09/03/99 05:57:19
thanks to Jon Stevens, web page master, for confirming that the good guys (2nd
Marines) were also armed with gas masks. go to subheading 'documents', 'instructions
to landing group 2/8'
John Gross - 08/17/99 04:00:01
For all you doubters out there, who refuse to believe the Japs were in possession
of poison gas, re-read Guadalcanal Diary, chapter 7, Tenaru front. It is clearly
stated, the Jap defenders were supplied with gas masks. remember this book was
written and printed in 1943, before Tarawa, before the decision to conceal -
AT ALL COSTS - the information that the Nippon had and were ready to use - biological
John Gross - 08/13/99 05:43:18
A recent history channel special on great ships highlighted the role of the
Higgins boat during the invastion of Tarawa. While the special pointed out that
the boats were especially effective in scaling the reef and taking men into
the beach, insufficien time was alotted to a discussion of the ravages of D+1
when there were no more Higgins boats, the LCTs went in, and the slaughter was
at its peak. In particular, an aerial photograph, the show inferred the picture
was taken during the battle, distinctly outlines the reefs and the boats stuck
on the edge of the reefs. In the picture, however, scattered over the north
approach to red beach 2, only 6 or so craft are visible. Was this picture taken
on D DAY when the Higgins hit the beach, revealing destroy d higgins that were
hit as they slowed to cross the reef, or does it reveal a small number of destroyed
LCTs? I suspect the former. An absence of shadows from the craft suggest a picture
taken at midday; the fly boys were much more likely to be photogr phing mid
day of dday, when the battle was in doubt, than mid day of d+1, with Shoup safely
ensconced in his shell crater just southwest of the origin of the pier. A highly
disconcerting piece of disinformation was tacked on to the postscript of the
history channel special: after Tarawa, more efforts were to go into obtaining
correct information regarding tides. The special fails to tell the truth: the
militar had possession, for over 20 years, information that the attack would
occur at the ebb-tide of three major tides, one occuring only every several
years. Once again, a cover-up in the attempt to suppress the truth: agents of
unit 731 were on the island in possession of biological warfare agents, scheduled
to be delivered to the mainland USA by pontoon planes ferried over from Tarawa
to coastal USA by submarine. Why the need for an air base so far east in the
Pacific? Why were the defenses so strong? Wha more ideal a lagoon for submarines
than Tarawa atoll? Iron Mike knew the answers to these questions and more, when
he ordered the second division ashore at the ebb of 3 tides, when he ordered
the navy to overshoot the island, when he sent to their death 990 marines, 2300
more wounded, just so FDR could conceal from his fellow Americans the palpable
horror just about to be released on the coast of California....
- 07/22/99 06:04:04
Now that the USCG has proven able to find the equivalent of a needle in a grain
silo by finding Kennedy's body on the ocean floor, Sen Ed Kennedy has used his
personal exposure to this stunning advance in technology to produce a new bill
authorizing ocean floor research of battle sites of WW2. Apparently Ted's family
lost several close friends at Tarawa on D+1. George magazine quotes the earnest
senator as describing the protected nature of the lagoon north of Tarawa as
an ideal natural formation to prov de decades of isolation against the natural
ravages of the sea. George goes on to relate how Ted vividly recalls his father
Joe and brothers JFK and Robt, during the Cuban missile crisis, discussing the
fate of their lost friends, trapped by the coral ree off the atoll in that distant
war. Our best wishes go with the senator as he personally escorts Navy divers
over the reefs at Tarawa...
Mark Martsolf - 05/31/99 20:46:36
Great site!! My uncle (my mother's brother) was Kenneth L. Brown, the head of
a Battalion there I belive..he was a Captain at least, who gave his life to
neutralize one of the last pillboxes on the island. His nickname was "Bunk".
I wonder if any of you out there have heard or even were fighting with him on
that hell hole. I never met him as I was born in '55, but my mother, Ruth Brown
Martsolf, speaks of him often...well.. only when I bring it up. I am doing this
for her..maybe if you knew him , you could e-mail me with a little info of the
battles..i would send it on to her!! Thanks for your time!! I'm writing on Memori
Mark Martsolf - 05/31/99 20:46:16
Great site!! My uncle (my mother's brother) was Kenneth L. Brown, the head of
a Battalion there I belive..he was a Captain at least, who gave his life to
neutralize one of the last pillboxes on the island. His nickname was "Bunk".
I wonder if any of you out there have heard or even were fighting with him on
that hell hole. I never met him as I was born in '55, but my mother, Ruth Brown
Martsolf, speaks of him often...well.. only when I bring it up. I am doing this
for her..maybe if you knew him , you could e-mail me with a little info of the
battles..i would send it on to her!! Thanks for your time!! I'm writing on Memori
John Gross - 05/31/99 03:29:30
AP reports state that China has voiced fears that NATO will target north Korea
or Tibet following a success in Kosovo. Interpretation: As the Japs still believe
they were forced into attacking first, so China will strike first for Taiwan,and
then N Kore . When Micronesia and the Philipines become meaningless hop-scotch
points leading to Australia, look to the Gilberts...I will be waiting for brave
souls such as you to join me in the second great battle of Tarawa as once again
the attempt is made to stem the yellow tide from the east.........
John Gross - 05/31/99 03:14:02
AP reports state that China has voiced fears that NATO will target north Korea
or Tibet following a success in Kosovo. Interpretation: As the Japs still believe
they were forced into attacking first, so China will strike first for Taiwan,and
then N Kore . When Micronesia and the Philipines become meaningless hop-scotch
points leading to Australia, look to the Gilberts...I will be waiting for brave
souls such as you to join me in the second great battle of Tarawa as once again
the attempt is made to stem the yellow tide from the east.........
John Gross - 03/27/99 06:25:24
Soon, tarawa will be in the news again. It is inevitable. During the next world
war, begun in Kosovo, China will act to neutralize Taiwan. The past four months
have seen intense chinese building activity on the coast directly opposing Taiwan.
The Chin se radar station built on Tarawa will then come under attack by US.
As the Germans had no trouble taking France in 1940, having learned their lessons
of 1914, so the Chinese will take Aus/NZ, and the mid Pacific will become the
GODWIN - 03/09/99 06:01:09
Re prounciation question from 1998. Native Gilbert Islanders stress the first
syllable: TAH-ra-wa. I believe those who serve on the amphib assualt ship Tarawa
are taught to pronounce it just this way. This pronunciation was not taken up
by the Navy and Ma ine Corps for many years. My dad signed the back of some
Japanese Yen and wrote 'TAWARA'. The most common referenced used now by many
is Ta-RAH-wa. Even now it is most often spoken
John Gross - 03/03/99 18:41:40
Japanese Unit 731 operatives just recently released from captivity (reference
associated press article from April, 1998, where jap pow is described as crying
at his first glimpse of the cherry blossoms in 50 years) have cooperated with
investigators of th Pacific Theater War Crimes Tribunal, never dissolved after
wwII and maintained as a secret investigative body located at Camp Pendleton,
and have outlined Imperial war plans for stockpiling germ warfare ordinance
across the Pacific on island locations. 31 operatives claim a purely defensive
purpose to the germ stockpiles; offensive capabilities therefore existed and
offensive plans only assumed against first Pearl, then mainland US. Australia
and New Zealand, and Se Asia were viewed as eventual coopera ives in the SE
ASIA co-prosperity sphere and therefore not targeted. The heretofore lack of
evidence against forward position 73l operatives is now explained by #1: knowledgeable
operatives captured and imprisoned by the soviets, some most recently rele sed.
and 2: USMC policy of no prisoners, thereby suppressing knowledge in the ranks
of 73l's existence and threat to mainland USA; USMC and USN policy of inaccurate
shelling to avoid germ ordinance release on the battlefield during and assaults;
USMC pol cy of incineration of ordinance: Bonnyman's Bunker. Although probably
forever unknown, Bonnyman's knowledge of germ ordinance at Tarawa can certainly
be surmised based on his noble actions. USMC policy is actually known to have
failed in regards to containment of germ ordinance on at least one occasion,
reference the little known blip in illness casualties during the battle of Tinian
- case reviews suggest germ ordinance exposure and life ong afflictions in these
veterans of Tinian...
Ann Olsen - 03/01/99 08:33:23
Where's a picture of Dad? Well at least I know that I'm your favorite sister!
Carter King - 02/28/99 19:02:30
Great site,gunny Gaines sent it to me and I really like it.My dad was at Tarawa,and
I'm looking for info on his wartime service.His name was Lester B. King,and
he was from Shawneetown Illinois.He was a navy medic,and recieved the silver
star for pulling 1 wounded marines to safety,14 of them after taking 2 13mm
rounds in the back.He was then pulled to safety by 2 marines ,all I know about
them is their first names are James and Earl.If anybody out there knew my dad
at Tarawa,I would sure apreciate hearing from you.He's no longer with us,he
died in '91 when I was in Iraq.Any info anyone has is helpful. Carter R. King
SGT United States Infantry
Richard Roberts - 02/22/99 17:05:52
R.GainesGySgt USMC Ret. - 02/21/99
My Email:GunnyG@HotMail.Com
Another great Marine WebSite!!!!
Semper Fidelis,
~Dick G
julie - 02/06/99 22:02:32
How many favorite sister-in-laws do you have? You can forget any Christmas/Birthday gifts from me!
Nice site. I'll send you a postcard on my next visit to Tarawa. :)
Tom Godwin - 01/24/99 01:34:45
Better yet, this site has the picture under Maps/Aerial photos.
Tom Godwin - 01/23/99 23:55:06
Not to contradict Mr. Gross' comments about a subplot to the battle of Tarawa but, if you can, look at the picture of Betio on page 100 of "Follow Me', the Story of the 2nd Marine division in WWII, Richard Johnson Random House New Your Copyright 1948. Cle
rly, the picture, taken before the landing, shows craters so large, that only heavy bombardment could have rendered, both Naval and air. There are obvious hits on both sides of the atoll that show misses. However, they are far fewer than on Betio which l
oks like a hurricane had hit it. I would challenge this assumption of germ warfare suspicion and intentionally missing land targets for fear of hitting dangerous germ ordinance.
Bill Hoover - 01/14/99 20:17:51
This is a great site. This landing always makes me
wonder if the term "Naval Intelligence" isn't a
75mm gunner, 2nd Armored Amph. Tank Bn.
2nd Div. USMC.
Gung Ho.
Merciless - 11/01/98 07:18:56
I am planning a trip to Betio atoll and plan to arrive on Tarawa over Red Beach 2 from the sea a la William Manchester in his book whose title I have forgotten. Once there I was wondering if you would want me to place one of those cameras that takes pict
res every 30 seconds, like big cities do, like chicago tribune, you can see what happens every 30 seconds. I would place the camera overlooking red beach 2. that way we could see the ghosts of the Marines as they come in on the ghost LSTs...or I could p
ace a rotational device and we could monitor the Chinese as they build their extreme low frequency antenna array on the island as detailed in the Christian Science Monitor...
Merciless - 10/15/98 05:33:00
Maps are aaeexcellent!!!! Your web page is out f-ing standing!! My dad identified to me the crater where Colonel Shoup had his command post on red beach 2 and where the Col saved my dad's life. Would you like me to identify that location for posterity?
Also, please clarify: did Marines land on the throat of the island between red beach one and 2, and if they did, did they all die as your maps seem to indicate the Japs held out there till the end of d plus 2?? Cheer up lads, bless'em all!!!!
- 10/12/98 19:07:00
Hi Jonathan--I finally got here! Now I'm going to go look around and see what you've done.
Your friendly MRO Buyer!
bob austin - 10/05/98 01:33:02
very good site. my good friend joe sibley usmc was badly wound on this assult
bob austin t/sgt usmc
D Stevens - 09/25/98 05:46:26
Where can I find info on the Chinese building a radar setup on Tarawa?
chief - 09/15/98 22:42:01
It is very professional but I thought that I was your favorite sister in law
your favorite sis-in-law - 09/14/98 19:42:33
Wow! Very professional! I'll come back.
John Gross - 08/19/98 06:15:46
Evidence unearthed from hidden archives of Unit 731 have thrust the origens of the battle of Tarawa into a new light. As the rising Sun cast its tentacles across the Pacific, the top secret biological warfare unit rushed to the limits of empire poised to
xpend germ warfare on the mainland USA. Unit 731 officers have now been identified among those entombed within Bonnyman's bunker. The answer of the question of suspect necessity of the battle has been answered: foil Togo's evil designs for mainland Amer
ca. Criticism of those who chose the day of battle coincidental with the nadir of 3 different tides will be put to rest: terror attacks were days away. Naval gunfire overshooting the island by design to avoid detonation of biological warfare payloads an
death to the Marines: Can't you hear Iron Mike: "Send the shells over the island then, my men deserve to hear the pleasant thunder as they lay dying on Red Beach 2!"
John GROSS - 07/18/98 04:31:46
WHen you need me, I will be there. I am still here, floating among the flotsam of D+1. And when the next war begins, and the rulers send you here to defend the shoreline from the red hordes, then I will instruct you in the secrets of the tides, and the
anner of defense which you must use, and the fallen heroes will resurrect to support your flanks, and we shall decimate the landing hover craft as they approach, and we shall claim this atoll yet again against the eastern menace, and you will witness with
me the horror that I and my kind fought through so you can fight the next war. And as the enemy lays slaughtered at the water's edge, we will look in each other's eyes and laugh! And then they will come again...
Merciless - 07/16/98 04:18:16
Tonight at the pool I entertained my two year old son in the kiddie pool. To amuse myself I practiced being one of the Marines of the Second Division floating on the shores of Red Beach 2, face down in the water, the waves washing against the shore, on t
e morning of d plus 1, silent, submerged, in the haven of rest, lifeblood shed for my country, the pinnacle of heroism. Forever D+1!!!
Merciless - 07/08/98 04:10:18
My dad hit the beach on D plus 1. He always pronounced Tarawa "tar-OW-uh" and not "TEAR-a-wuh" as I often hear people say. Does anyone out there know anything about these 2 pronunciations? Merciless..
Merciless - 06/09/98 05:31:07
If only it were D plus one all over again. If only I could be there on the shores of Tarawa. And then at Midnight, it would start all over again - forever D+1 on Tarawa!!!
John Nicholas - 05/27/98 05:05:36
It looks like you have the start of a good page. Keep up the good work. You will get there. I see
you have a lot of good ideas. It is nice to have the battle north of mine getting some coverage.
Glen Boren - 05/26/98 00:17:47
Looks like you are off to a good start...
I was there, 50 miles off, on a carrier. I'll be watching you as you progress. Good luck ! !
chief - 05/24/98 20:10:52
not bad, how about some pictures of you.
Bigbrother - 05/11/98 15:57:15
And today the memory of uncounted acts of heroism at hellholes across the South Pacific is dishonored by the modern Corps conducting MOUT exercises in downtown Chicago preparing for combat operations against fellow Americans.
chief - 05/07/98 16:49:48
great info
- 05/06/98 20:47:14

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