Makin Bibliography
Crowl, Philip A., & Love, Edmund G. "Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls." US Army in WWII series. Washington, DC: OCMH, 1955. 414 p. D769A533v2pt6.
See Chaps II-X.
Marlow, Willard H. "Taking Makin." Infantry Journal (Jan 1944): p. 28-30.
Marshall, S.L.A. "The Fight on Saki Night." Infantry Journal 54 (Apr 1944): p. 8-15.
Richardson, Robert C. "Participation of United States Army Forces in the Central Pacific Area in GALVANIC Operation." US Army Forces, Central Pacific Area, 1944. D767.917.R52.
U.S. Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. "Japanese Defenses Makin Atoll." JICPOA Bulletin 4-44, Jan 1944. ca. 200 pgs. D767.99K5S78.
________. Study of Japanese Installations on Butaritari Island: Makin Atoll. Part II: Radar, communications and power plants. 14 January 1944. JICPOA Bulletin 4 -44.
________. Study of Japanese Installations on Butaritari Island: Makin Atoll. Part III: Base installations and miscellaneous information. 14 January 1944. JICPOA Bulletin 4 -44.
U.S. War Dept. Historical Division. The Capture of Makin (20 November-24 November 1943). Washington, DC, 1946. 136 p.
Also see U.S. Army Photographic Archives:
- Photos of 27th Inf Div in Gilberts (Milne #8714-8728) and air raids on islands (Milne #10177-10184).
copyright 2000 Wheaton, Illinois
Created 21 August 1999 - Updated 25 November 2000