Captain Warren Morris, CO, F/2/2
I landed in the first wave at about 0905, receiving heavy fire by the time we hit the beach. We were supposed to land in the middle of the company area at about the right flank of 220, but instead we landed in the right flank of 222. I got ashore with myself and four out of the eighteen who started. We had two flame throwers in the first wave, neither of which got ashore, but we did get demolition kits in. With an MU I contacted CP of Company "G", and used their TBY to contact the Battalion.
About H+60, I got 15 men from Company "E" in charge of a sergeant. He did not know where the officers were. About 1200 part of 1-2 came in. We attached a mortar squad to them, and they pushed forward receiving only sniper fire. The 1st Battalfon reached 201 with little trouble and built up a line there. We Continued around the right flank to form a perimeter defense. We had about 30 wounded there, and a Doctor and some Corpsmen set up and aid station on the beach. We had little trouble that night. Late on D Day I found my Exec and 25 men left of the Company. The next morning Colonel Jordan, who was in charge of the Battalion at the time, told me where our Company was, and I joined them at 201, where we received orders to go to the Sourth Beach. By that time two Companies of 1/2 had joined us, the remainder of tbe three Companies, "A" and "B", from l/2, "F" from 2/2 and 20 men from "E" and "G" went accross to the South Beach. This was D+1 day. Late that afternoon we got two AmphTracs over with ammunition water and rations. Colonel Jorden then turned over the Battalion to Major Kyle.
source: "REPORTS OF BATTALION COMMANDERS", 22 December 1943.
copyright 2003 Wheaton, Illinois
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