Pvt. Glen B. Pierce, E/2/2
Serial Number: 454754
Pvt. Glen B. Pierce, serial number 454754, USMCR E/2/2, Enlisted 2 Sep 1942 at Dallas, Texas at age 17yrs 1month. He was killed in action 20 Nov 1943 at age 18 yrs 5 months. He was born Goldthwaite, TX 16 July 1925.
He was a rifleman with Easy Co., 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines. He was KIA 20 November 1943, D-Day, in the assault on Red Beach 2, Betio, Tarawa Atoll, British Gilbert Islands. Records record his burial on Betio but his body was not recovered (or positively identified) in 1946 when the remains in the cemetery on Tarawa where he was initially buried were disinterred. The exact circumstances of his death are unknown though it is known that his company, E/2/2, was decimated by enemy fire while landing from LVTs on Red Beach 2. All but one of the six ‘E’ company officers were killed. Within 30 minutes of landing, 2/2's three rifle companies had suffered more than 30 percent casualties with more than half the of the battalion's infantry company officers dead or wounded, and LtCol Herb Amey, the Battalion C.O. killed.
Submitted by Bob Gill
copyright 2007 T.O.T.W.
Created 5 September 2007